{{ ---------BEGIN ADD-ON SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}
{% assign: Show_Custom_Page_Title = 'No' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}
{% assign: Custom_Page_Title = "FEATURED ARTISTS" %}
{% assign: Show_Grid_Intro_Text = 'Yes' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}
{% capture Grid_Intro_Text %}We at Commonness strive to be the voice for and of the people. As we continue to grow we sometimes stumble upon rare talent. After meeting many of these humble souls we decided to begin Commonless Collective. A platform in which we bring together all things CMNLS. From our apparel to our curated music collection, all the way down to our hand picked sponsored artists. Here are a few of our current Warriors.{% endcapture %}
{% assign: Number_of_Grid_Items = 3 %} {{ Options: 1 to 12 }}
{% assign: Grid_Items_Per_Row = 'three' %}
{% assign: Grid_Items_Margin = 3 %} {{ Options: 0 | 0.5 | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 }} {{ Note: In percentages }}
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{% assign: Grid_Item_1_Image_Url = 'https://themefiend.com/wp-content/uploads/commonless/King.png' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_1_Page_Url = 'http://iamkingkold.com' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_1_Title = "KING KOLD" %} {% capture Grid_Item_1_Text %}Rapper & Visual ArtistĀ | www.iamkingkold.com
{% endcapture %}{{ --GRID ITEM 2 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Grid_Item_2_Image_Url = 'https://themefiend.com/wp-content/uploads/commonless/Effect_20160203_202832.jpg' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_2_Page_Url = 'http://livehighermusic.com' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_2_Title = "LIVE HIGHER" %} {% capture Grid_Item_2_Text %}Rapper | www.livehighermusic.com
{% endcapture %}{{ --GRID ITEM 3 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Grid_Item_3_Image_Url = 'https://themefiend.com/wp-content/uploads/commonless/Kibo.png' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_3_Page_Url = 'http://kibohitimusic.com' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_3_Title = "KI BOHITI" %} {% capture Grid_Item_3_Text %}RapperĀ | www.kibohitimusic.com
{% endcapture %}{{ --GRID ITEM 4 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Grid_Item_4_Image_Url = 'http://themefienddemos.com/add-ons/content-grid/_images/mag4.JPG' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_4_Page_Url = 'http://themefiend.com' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_4_Title = "WWD" %} {% capture Grid_Item_4_Text %}August 2013 Issue | www.wwd.com
{% endcapture %}{{ --GRID ITEM 5 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Grid_Item_5_Image_Url = 'http://themefienddemos.com/add-ons/content-grid/_images/mag5.JPG' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_5_Page_Url = 'http://themefiend.com' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_5_Title = "Instyle" %} {% capture Grid_Item_5_Text %}Spring 2014 Issue | www.instyle.com
{% endcapture %}{{ --GRID ITEM 6 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Grid_Item_6_Image_Url = 'http://themefienddemos.com/add-ons/content-grid/_images/mag6.JPG' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_6_Page_Url = 'http://themefiend.com' %} {% assign: Grid_Item_6_Title = "Vogue" %} {% capture Grid_Item_6_Text %}March 2014 Issue | http://www.vogue.com/magazine/
{% endcapture %}{{ --GRID ITEM 7 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Grid_Item_7_Image_Url = '' %}
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{% assign: Grid_Item_10_Title = "" %}
{% capture Grid_Item_10_Text %}{% endcapture %}
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{% assign: Grid_Item_12_Page_Url = '' %}
{% assign: Grid_Item_12_Title = "" %}
{% capture Grid_Item_12_Text %}{% endcapture %}
{{ ---------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}
{{ ---------BEGIN GRID ADD-ON HTML TEMPLATE CODE---------- }}
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{% assign: sgidtx = Show_Grid_Item_Description_Text %}
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{{ Custom_Page_Title }}
{% else %}{{ page.name | remove: '(&)' | remove: '(#)' | remove: '(!)' | remove: '(!!)' | remove: '(!!!)' | remove: '(!!!!)' }}
{% endif %} {% if Show_Grid_Intro_Text contains 'es' %}{{ Grid_Item_1_Title }}
{% endif %}{% endcapture %} {% capture gitx_box %}{% if sgit contains 'es' %}{{ Grid_Item_1_Text }}
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